10 Storage Organizers Makes Your Kitchen Out of Mess

Many people have this feeling: I already bought a lot of storage organizers, containers and have cabinets in kitchen, but why things are not looking the right way and everywhere is still messy?

Many of my friends’ kitchens are like this. You have installed some storage cabinets, shelving, storage partitions, and have used all the storage items in other people’s homes, but there are always a lot of pots and pans stacked in your kitchen. You cannot look directly at them since it’s so messy. And you don’t know what went wrong!

When things are still in a mess, cooking is still no way to start, some friends see this kind of kitchen is simply unwilling to step into.

People don’t want to walk into such a kitchen that is not organized. Cooking in it seems a hard job.

Here’s a look at a collection of other people’s houses:

Even with a lot of things in this small kitchen, the overall feeling is of comfort and naturally organized. Why?

Here is the basic principle: the number of items in the storages doesn’t matter, it is the quality and proper use of the items that matters. All right! Now I will tell you about the kitchen storage skills. If you do it good, the mess in your kitchen is difficult.

We must know that the kitchen utensils should be placed in line with the cooking workflow. It is the only way to ensure that after each cooking, the kitchen will still maintain the original appearance. So, what is the process of cooking? The order of taking materials: picking vegetables, cleaning, side dishes, cooking, serving, and then cleaning at the end.

First: Pick-up 

As the name implies, these are the ingredients used in cooking, which can be divided into dry and fresh vegetables, meat. The pickup location should be as close as possible. So how to do it?

Dry goods will not decay, can be placed on the cabinet.

If you don’t have a hanging cabinet at home, you can buy some kitchen storage boxes and place them directly above the refrigerator or on the wall-mounted partition in the kitchen. like the one below, which is relatively wide, so you can store more things.

Meat and fresh vegetables are generally placed in the refrigerator, and the refrigerator and the hanging cabinets for the dry goods should be as close as possible. Regarding the storage of the refrigerator, there should be nothing vague. Doing a good job of classifying and storing the refrigerator can avoid the breeding of bacteria and the damage of the refrigerator smell. To manage beautifully, you can use the following items.

Fruit and vegetable storage box

Many office workers like to buy a week of food and put it in the refrigerator. If there are too many things in the same box, they may affect each other and also cause smell. You can use the fresh-keeping boxes for storing food. Also, it is easy to manage the boxes and take the food you want.

Refrigerator wall-mounted shelf

People who manage the refrigerator storage well will definitely have such a refrigerator wall-mounter shelf. You can put the plastic film, plastic paper, and other special items in this shelf. It is very convenient to use and there will also be no fear of losing them.

If there was a gap next to the fridge, you can also put a gap-type shelf next to the fridge. You can easily put the dry items like soy sauce and dates that you have bought in advance next to the fridge. It looks good and very organized.

Second: Pick Vegetables.

Small tools for picking and peeling vegetables such as planes, scraping knife should be placed in the area near the washing basin. In this way, vegetables can be peeled near the sink, cleaned in the washbasin, and then put back easily.

If you are picking vegetables, you will inevitably use tools such as a plane and a scraper. These tools must be placed next to the washing basin to be the most appropriate. Peels the vegetables, wash them in the basin to clean, and then put back.

When it comes to storing kitchen utensils, a wall-mounted shelf next to the sink is the most appropriate and easier to hold.

You can also use the wash basin with a metal basket to wash and dry the vegetables and fruits with easy drainage. You can also hook it to the wall for storage as well.

If you don’t want to use the kitchen sink to wash your vegetables, you can also buy a double-layered storage boxes that can be used as an occasional fruit plate.

There is also a need to pay attention to another aspect of the vegetable wash basin. There are now double-layer vegetable storage boxes. The inner layer with holes can be used as a vegetable wash basket. Storing the water used to wash the vegetables and drain them is extremely convenient. After using this box with breathable holes, you can be put it back into the big basket. Also, you can store it in the refrigerator. It can stack easily and does not take up space. This multi-functional kitchen storage box is simply a good news of the user.

Don’t forget to set up a trash can next to the washing basin. Picking vegetables is sure to generate garbage. You don’t have to buy a particularly complicated trash can, just use one that’s simple, small, and easy to clean. The small size allows you to easily fit into the dishwasher, eliminating the hassle of cleaning.

Cooking can be done in a variety of ways: frying, boiling, baking, steaming, stir-frying and other needs of different cookware, such as iron pot, steamer, pressure cooker, pan, kettle and so on.

If it is a larger piece, it can be placed in the floor cabinet under the stove. By using a kitchen storage box, these pots can be easily used.

And for items that are often used in the cooking, you can put them on the shelve with the stove. Use some storage box, convenient for frequent use. If you think the stove is small, you can get some wall-mounted rack which can make the kitchen rack more interesting.

There are a number of bowls, dishes, basins and so on. Make sure these are near the washing basin so using often is convenient.

Well, at the end of the day, one must not neglect the storage of pots and pans. There are not many pots and pans for the kitchen, but since their size is large, the pots and pans take up the most space. So, the kitchen needs to have a quite large shelf.

Having a messy kitchen is not an option if you follow all these instructions. Just try it and you’ll see yourself.
